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Video Games are a passion of mine, I learned to use Unity and whenever I can participate to Game Jams.

LD 48 - Deep Sickness

LD 48 - DeepSickness

Theme: Deeper and Deeper

Small platformer made alone in 48h for Ludum Dare 48! If you jump or climb your sickness hits you, your only choice is to go deeper and deeper

You can find it here:


GGJ 2021 - Magic (s)laughter

Theme: Lost and found

Tactical rpg-ish game made for GGJ, I did all the programing and assets except for the monsters design and animations!

You can find it here:

GGJ - Magic (s)laughter
LD 46 - Archimagus

Ludum Dare 46 - Archimagus

Theme: Keep it alive

  I did this game jam alone as a challenge and a test for an hypothetical larger game. I'm quite happy with what I did with the little time I had free.

You can find it here:


Devtober 2018 - Lavallet

This game was my 2018 devtober challenge, it's a pixel art adventure game.

The main mechanic of the game is to find and talk to NPCs, then ask them about other NPCs. The goal is to find the mysterious someone who brought you in that forest.

I did the game in one month on Unity. I didn't manage to finish it in time, but I have the full script and story of the game. 

LD 44 - Spider Lily

Ludum Dare 44 - Spider Lily

Theme: Your life is currency

  I did this game jam with my teammate Floraya Marlin. It's a rework of the game we made the year before, for Ludum Dare 42, but now in 3D and with a story!

  We made a small part of the game in the limited time, and continued to work on it afterward.

The main references for this game are Muramasa demon blade and Hollow Knight

I made the character designs, the 3D environment, the armor's model, all the texturing, all programming, the 3D animations.... My teammate did all the rigging and Blue and Red's models!

It was quite intense and I learned a lot! 

Devtober 2019 - Mardi



   Mardi is a personal project of online coop video game.

   I worked on this game during 2019's devtober, I didn't nearly reached a playable version, but it still is a project I love and will continue working on in the future.

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